
The FL LEADS Project provides FREE suicide prevention and intervention training to community partners and the general public. See below for more information about specific training programs and upcoming trainings.

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Zero Suicide (ZS)

Overview: A training workshop focused on a systematic approach to improve suicide care through the adoption of evidence-based and best-practice safety standards. This approach, identified by the Zero Suicide initiative, encompasses screening, risk assessment, safety planning, follow-up care, treatment, and training.
Time: 1 Hour
Audience: Agency Leadership
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Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)

Overview: An evidence-based, suicide prevention gatekeeper training focused on suicide statistics, warning signs and risk factors for suicide, and how to get help for an individual in crisis using the Question, Persuade, and Refer technique.
Time: 1-3 Hours
Audience: Clinical Staff, Non-Clinical Staff, Community Members
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Safety Planning, A LINC to Life

Overview: A research-informed, skills-based training focused on the development of a collaborative safety plan ("Wellness Toolbox") for someone at-risk for suicide. This training is ideal for clinical and non-clinical staff who intervene with people in crisis.
Time: 3 Hours
Audience: Clinical Staff, Non-Clinical Staff, Social Service Providers, Health Professionals or Community Members
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Linking Individuals Needing Care (LINC)

Overview: A skills-based training focused on rapport-building and engagement strategies, screening and risk identification, safety planning, community referrals and linkages, and steps for collaborating with the system of care to keep individuals at risk for suicide safe.
Time: 8 Hours
Audience: Care Coordinators, Case Managers, and Health/Mental Health Professionals
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Suicide Risk and Assessment and Management (SRAM)

Overview: A best practice, suicide risk assessment and management training focused on suicide risk factors, risk formulation, suicide risk management plans, engagement and interviewing skills, and continuity of care strategies for managing suicide risk. This training includes instruction and role-play assessment.
Time: 8 Hours
Audience: Direct service providers (e.g., clinicians, care coordinators)
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Overview: An evidence-based clinical modality, demonstrated to effectively reduce suicide risk in adults. The training emphasizes the application of DBT-informed care techniques and advanced strategies for integrating these practices.
Time: 6 Days
Audience: Licensed Mental Health Professionals
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Our Trainers

Lindsay Brown, M.Ed, Ed.S
Director of Training and Partnerships
Lindsay obtained her Master of Mental Health Counseling at the University of Florida and has over 13 years of experience in suicide prevention and crisis intervention. Lindsay has trained suicide hotline counselors, supervised 24/7 suicide and crisis hotlines, served as lead of a mobile crisis unit, facilitated a Survivors of Suicide group, and provided individual, couple, and family counseling to those experiencing suicidal thoughts or crisis. Since joining the FL LEADS team in 2015. To date, Lindsay has trained over 5,000 people in suicide prevention and intervention strategies.
Amber Hodges, BA
Regional Suicide Prevention Specialist
Amber began her journey in the mental health field at the Gainesville Peer Respite, where she worked as a Peer Specialist, Assistant Director, and Director of Operations. She then served NAMI Gainesville as the Director of Peer Services and Director of Operations and is also a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline counselor at the Alachua County Crisis Center. She has experience in peer support and mentoring, support group facilitation, mental health and wellness trainings, and crisis intervention.
Scott Swanstrom, MA
Regional Suicide Prevention Specialist
Scott obtained his Masters in Counseling at Liberty University. His experience includes case management, clinical research, pastoral counseling, care coordination; as well as, training and development for mental health awareness at the Managing Entity level. His passion for reducing mental health stigma is manifested in various crisis intervention and suicide prevention trainings. This same passion has also been expressed in a podcast he has hosted, “Mind Redefined: Lifting the Stigma Around Mental Health”.